School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Join hospitality students online at the Student EXPO Hospitality 2030

On Friday 15 January, our Hospitality students are taking part in an online Expo looking into the future of the hospitality industry.

As part of one of their final year modules, our students have developed concepts and solutions to aid growth within the hospitality industry. One of the teams, Employeorium, have developed an on-demand employment app specifically for hospitality businesses of the future.

Five of our student teams will be available to discuss their concepts to visitors live on MS Teams from 12.30-14:30pm tomorrow.  To join the team (DEMOS) and see the other exhibitors this Friday, you can join this event using the details on Facebook here.

In the past some of the concepts from this particular module have been further developed and taken to market, so who knows perhaps you may be talking to future millionaires!

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Clare Prust • January 14, 2021

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