School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

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Student shares fantastic insights into his internship

Final year Business Management student Georges Nikolic shared some fantastic insights into his internship with Dr. Hasan Gilani.  George’s internship is at The Borgen Project that focuses on global poverty and hunger and he is one of 5% of people who got through the recruitment process.

The scope of the internship ranges from HR, journalism, marketing, PR and even approaching US congress to voice concerns and raise issues of global poverty and hunger.

This fits in with our prime focus on SGDs which has poverty alleviation as its first priority.


Georges Nikolic, Business Management student

Georges said about his internship: “The company my internship is based on is called The Borgen Project. I found this organization from an advertised job on Indeed. The application process involves a quiz based on The Borgen Project as a company itself to test your knowledge. If you do well, you go onto the interview stage. Only 5% of applicants get accepted. The Borgen Project is a non-profit organization where ending global poverty and hunger is the aim. “

“The Borgen Project believes that leaders of the most powerful nation on earth should be doing more to address global poverty. They are the innovative, national campaign that is working to make poverty a focus of U.S. foreign policy. Addressed issues are Global Poverty & U.S. Jobs, Poverty & National Security and Poverty & Overpopulation for example. Ways to act can be contacting US Congress as well as internships, both in-office and remote, ranging from HR, Journalism and Non-profit Leadership for example. I am a Marketing and Public Relations Intern.”

“This internship is 12 weeks long where I will be involved in contacting influencers and media to spread the word about the Borgen Project about their mission statement and help those in need by gaining support. Assignments vary every week. This week, I was supposed to find my US Congress but as I’m based in Brighton (UK), I can do alternate tasks. Other tasks involve creating a fundraising campaign, writing articles on The Borgen Project’s website for example. There’s more to come with this internship which I am excited for.”

Congratulations and good luck Georges!

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Clare Prust • January 3, 2021

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