School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.


Ruta Kackauskaite on developing confidence both personally and professionally

Ruta Kackauskaite graduated from Brighton Business School in 2010 with a degree in Business Studies. After graduation, Ruta started working for American Express as a Project Analyst.

“Ever since entering Business Studies course back in 2006 I have realised that my life as I know it is about to change. I have learned how to read academic articles, books, structure my time, collaborate with people who I don’t know and get pretty good results, but most importantly I have learned how to be a confident person at both a personal and professional level. The support that was given to me and my peers throughout the studies was absolutely amazing and I found that the staff that work here are not only intelligent and well educated individuals but also kind, warm and approachable human beings.”

“I am proud to be a University of Brighton Business School graduate as I believe that because of my experience in there I was able to become an independent thinker who is able to manage my life and career in line with my own integrity.”Ruta Kackauskaite

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Joshua Callarman • February 15, 2017

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  1. Julie February 17, 2017 - 10:27 am Reply

    We have great alumni student!

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