School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.


Tamara Labelle: Proud to be a graduate of Brighton Business School

Our alumni have been providing us with an update on their careers since graduating from Brighton Business School. Tamara Labelle, graduated in 2013 with a 1st in Business Studies with Marketing.

“I left Brighton University three years ago, and am now working as a Product Marketing Manager for a pet insurance company.  I design the marketing strategy and work with a team to implement it.  We utilise digital marketing (approximately 70% of our strategy) and offline marketing tactics. Tamara Labelle

“Brighton University was the turning point in my career. Previously I had worked as a Sales Assistant in a shop, but going to Brighton University not only gave me a fantastic set of skills, but it also boosted my confidence immensely. 

“I studied Business Studies with Marketing and the course was very hands on. We worked with real life businesses in order to design strategies and marketing tactics for them, learnt how to manage people and manage time.  My tutors had industry experience, the knowledge of which they passed onto us.  The University helped me to gain the confidence and knowledge to be where I am today. They encouraged us to reach for the stars.

“I also did a placement during my third year as a Marketing Assistant in a company that made software for wealth management. I gained a lot of experience and confidence during the placement.  I was able to transfer this into my current job.  My placement helped to make me more employable and helped me make the transition from Sales Assistant to University student to a professional.

I am so proud to be a Brighton University graduate – the university helped me to get to where I am today.”

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Joshua Callarman • August 5, 2016

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  1. Julie August 10, 2016 - 12:48 pm Reply

    Great story from Tamara, I hope your career goes from strength to strength

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