Person on a bike by Brighton pier

Brighton named one of Time Out’s 50 best cities in the world for 2025

Brighton ranks 34th on Time Out’s 2025 list of the world’s 50 best cities, making it the third-highest ranked city in the UK.

The definitive annual list is published every year, based on feedback from tens of thousands of city-dwellers across the globe. This year, over 18,000 participants shared their thoughts on key aspects of city life such as food, nightlife, culture, affordability, happiness, and overall atmosphere.

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Check if you’re eligible for £1,250 and a lower grade offer

At the University of Brighton, we’re here to support you in making the best start to your university journey. With our new postcode checker, you can quickly see if you’re eligible for our Brighton Boost financial support package, designed to help you with the cost of living and make everyday things just that little bit easier.   Read More

Looking back on our 2024: A year of innovation, creativity and impact

As we wrap up 2024, we want to take a moment to reflect on the past year’s achievements, milestones and stories that have shaped the year here at the University of Brighton.  

There’s so much to celebrate – we’ve seen groundbreaking research, community impact and inspiring student success across every area of the university.   Read More

work by coral monaghan

Graduates 2024: Coral Monaghan: Illustration

“I’m from London, and living in a smaller city where I can get everywhere by foot is great. It means I get out and about more, it feels like it opens up more possibilities. I think I’ll forever associate Brighton with spending long days in the university studio, getting lost in work… I’ll miss that student-studio atmosphere. I like the hustle and bustle of it; the productivity of it.”

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