Graduates 2020: Aaron Daniels:

I’m heavily influenced by the Bauhaus idea of constant development and enjoy learning new skills, software and technology.

Basically I spend most of my time messing around and playing with ideas until I make something I like. I’m not a very complicated person! Then with everything I’ve learnt I contribute it all towards a final piece. I’m constantly looking at new things to learn and my work is always evolving, I have no clue what’s coming next! My work is an animation exploring the relationship between nature and technology. This stemmed from my research on AI and the influence of technology on the role of the designer in today’s society. I’ve always been really inspired by the movements and motions of production machinery and it often informs the style of my animations, I love the repetition of them and the idea of looping forever. I think it was watching too much ‘Hows it Made’ as a kid.


How have you found your course/time at Brighton?

It’s been so good, I’ve had a super fun time at Brighton and really enjoyed being around such a variety of people. The design community in Brighton has been really supportive and I’ve been able to make lots of connections and friends throughout my time spent here. The course tutors have been supportive throughout (they’ve put up with all my questions) and have helped me grow as a designer and as a person too. Personally my favourite part of the course was the professional practice lectures where industry pros lecture about their experiences, for me this has been very inspiring and given me an insight to the industry.


What are your plans after Graduation?

Sleep! I’m going to catch up from all my late nights. I’m thinking about staying in Brighton (please don’t make me go back and live in Maidstone). I’m going to keep exploring and playing with new animation ideas and motion, there’s a few personal projects I want to tick off before I start working full time. It’s tough at the moment because of Covid-19, but I’ve been getting more work than ever, I don’t think there’s ever been a better time to be a motion designer! I’m going to keep working until hopefully one day I own my own studio (complete with a coffee machine, comfy chairs and every apple product imaginable) , that’s always been a dream for me.

Follow Aaron on Instagram 

See Aaron’s work at the Graduate Show 2020

Find out more about BA(Hons) Graphic Design

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