Productive Urban Landscapes

Research and practice around the CPUL design concept

Aerial view of Berlin’s community garden Prinzessinnengarten (source: Prinzessinnengarten/Nachbarschaftsakademie www 2019)

INVITE: On the History, the Present and Possible Futures of Prinzessinnengarten

A walk with Marco Clausen, one of the founders of one of Berlin’s most prolific community gardens happens this Friday, 30th August 2019 at 6pm. Please meet at the “Laube” in Prinzessinnengarten, Kreuzberg, if you wish to attend. From the invitation: “A motorway was once foreseen at this spot. Now, carrots and potatoes grow here—but…

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Berlin’s Food Policy Council engages the public in its activities. (source: Ernährungsrat Berlin www 2019)

INVITE: Have your say on the policy paper “Good food for all!”

Berlin’s Food Policy Council [Ernährungsrat Berlin] currently develops in an intense process the policy paper Good food for all! The paper is intended as the basis for further discussions of the Food Policy Council Berlin wit the City’s political decision makers as well as for the City’s wider political discourse. Please do join in a…

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A garden day in the Community Garden Bad Düben (source: Torsten Reinsch www 2018)

Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen joins Platform Productive Urban Green

Last week, Katrin Bohn met the German writer, journalist and activist Dr. Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen in Berlin, Germany. Together with Beatrice Walthall from the Working Group City & Food [AG Stadt & Ernährung], they discussed Elisabeth’s involvement in the project Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün [Platform Productive Urban Green]. Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen is one of Germany’s leading experts in…

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Extract of the book cover of the Urban Agriculture Book Series at Springer (source: Springer www 2019)

Katrin Bohn joins editorial board of Urban Agriculture Book Series

It is an honour for Katrin to have been invited onto the editorial board of the Urban Agriculture Book Series at Springer by the editors Christine Aubry, Éric Duchemin and Joe Nasr. The Urban Agriculture Book Series at Springer is for researchers, professionals, policymakers and  practitioners working on agriculture in and near urban areas. Urban…

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