Big Xmas Switch Off 2022

December 2022 – January 2023

The Big Xmas Switch Off: from halls or home!

Play your part in tackling the climate emergency by switching things off this December before heading home for the Christmas break – cutting carbon and saving energy in your halls, student houses and across our campuses.

What to switch off

Help drive down unnecessary energy usage by switching off non- essential equipment and lights See the Big Xmas Switch Off poster for energy saving tips in your halls and student homes.  

Big Xmas Switch Off poster

  • In your halls remember to switch off games consoles, turn lights off and shut your windows and doors.
  • If you’re leaving rented accommodationturn your heating down low to 14 degrees. This will save energy by avoiding unnecessary heating and ensure the heating system is protected from freezing





Save energy at home

Also don’t forget our top tips for saving energy and being sustainable when studying from home!

And of course, don’t forget to switch off yourselves, stay safe and enjoy the break

work from home energy saving tips





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