Public transport

Travelling by bus in Brighton

Brighton and Hove buses run several services to the Brighton campuses.

Stagecoach buses also run the 701 service from Eastbourne to Brighton, stopping at Falmer station (5-10 minutes walk from campus) and Moulsecoomb Campus.


The University of Brighton campuses are well served by train routes, with Southern Railway operating a services between the Brighton campuses and Eastbourne.

Nearest train stations

Campus Nearest station Walking time  
Falmer Falmer train station 5- 10 minutes
Moulsecoomb Moulsecoomb train station 5- 10 minutes
City Campus Brighton train station 10-15 minutes

See details of the train offers available on the Student Discounts page including Railcards, Unizone and Transport for London 18+ Student Oyster Scheme.

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