Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

The Quran book laying on the second floor

Concerned about exams clashing with a religious festival?

If you’re unable to take an exam on a particular day this Spring / Summer due to observing a religious festival such as Ramadan, it’s important to let us know as soon as possible.

404 error message on laptop

My Studies 404 issue with Microsoft Edge browser as at 10 February 2022

The issue with My Studies when using the Microsoft Edge browser is still being investigated. When selecting documents whilst using Microsoft Edge you may experience the 404 Server Error message.

UOK? Workshops - Do you have mental health? Banner

Sign up for the UOK? Workshops now!

Are you a foundation, first or second year student? Our Wellbeing Champions and Inclusive Practice Partners want to help support your mental health and wellbeing this semester!

Southern and Thameslink trail networks closures map

Major rail engineering works: weekends and 9-day closures

There are some weekend closures for local rail services starting this weekend but a more disruptive 9-day closure between 19-27 February.

Are you getting the best possible Wi-Fi service on campus?

Are you getting the best possible Wi-Fi service on campus?

If you ever connect online using the Wi-Fi then please be sure to use the eduroam service and not the UoB Visitor Wi-Fi.

UK Disability History Month (UKDHM)

Get Involved in UK Disability History Month

UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) aims to celebrate the lived experience of people with disabilities, whilst challenging disablism by exploring oppression now and in the past. The overall goal is to achieve equality for those living with disabilities. 

Protecting Your Grades Header

Protecting your grades in 2021/22

Unforeseen circumstances can have a serious impact on your study and outcomes. We’ve enhanced our academic regulations and processes to help protect you from the unexpected, both this year, and beyond.

Together for our planet

COP26: What is it and why is it important? Join our series of events

COP26 is a crucial step in addressing this globally, where countries will develop their plans which feed into policies and law affecting each and every one of us. You can take action in many ways, we’ve developed a brief resource centre where you can learn more about COP26 and the climate emergency.

Module Check In survey

Your Voice Matters – complete your Module Check In

The survey will ask for feedback on your recent experiences – we want to know the areas of the module that you feel are going well, and where we need to improve. The survey will come as close to the mid-point of your module as possible, so that your feedback can make a real difference to your learning experience.

SOS survey - win £500

Take part in this survey about Sustainability Skills with a chance to win £500

All students could be in with a chance of winning £500 by completing our online confidential survey about your time at university or college and the skills you develop for getting a job.

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