Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

‘Self Evident’ app helps students report hate crime and harassment

Sussex Police have developed an innovative app called ‘Self Evident’ which can help students report hate crimes and harassment. The app already has 16,000 registered users and helps you record evidence and file a complaint to the Police.

The free app makes it easy for you to:

  • Collect legally sound evidence of the hate crime.
  • Record a reliable statement about what happened.
  • Attach other digital evidence.
  • Send a report to the police from your smartphone.
  • Access support services.

Sussex Police Hate Crime Coordinator PC Matt West explains that before a crime is committed, the perpetrator is likely to have been involved in prior incidents. Early reporting, via Self Evident or other means, can help prevent these crimes or assist in the apprehension of those who have committed them.

Hate crime rates in Brighton are among the highest in Sussex, with rising numbers of incidents of hostility or violence directed towards people based on their age, appearance, disability, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender and transgender identity.

During Anti-bullying Week (14 – 18 November 2016) the university is also hosting talks by Hate Crime Officers from Sussex Police

The talks take place in Hastings on Tuesday 15 November 12.30-1.30pm (Priory Square Rm 401) and in Falmer on Wednesday 16 November 1-2pm (Checkland Building C218) and are on the reporting of hate crime and support for victims.

These talks are particularly aimed at students and student-facing staff. Both talks are open sessions so there is no need to book.

Further information about the support available for victims of hate crime can be found on Sussex Police’s website.You could also look at the “Dealing with Difficult Situations” page on the University website.

For further information about Self Evident, hate crime reporting or any other issues related to Anti-Bullying Week, please contact Marianne Lemond, Student Experience and Equalities Manager.


Lizzie How • 8 November 2016

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