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Doing a placement got me a job before graduation

Emma studies Primary Studies with Education at the Falmer campus. She’s in her final year and will be graduating in July. Her hard work on her course and during placements has landed her a job at a new school before she’s even graduated!

“I originally chose Brighton because it seemed like it was the best teaching school after Cambridge but it’s turned out to be better than Cambridge as we have longer placements and more of them. The best bit about the course has been doing placements. I have loved any opportunity to get into schools and work with children.emma

I’ve gained so many skills from being thrown in at the deep end during placements, such as timing, planning and behaviour strategies.

Thankfully, I haven’t had to lean on the university much but it was hugely comforting to know they were there. It enabled me to go ‘all out’ during my placements, trying things that I might not have had the guts to do if I didn’t have the university to run back to!

During my most recent placement, I was teaching a Reception class. I had the responsibility to teach them 75% of the time for all subjects. I arranged my placement because I live in Tunbridge Wells and lecturers suggested that I should rather than driving into Brighton every day. It was definitely the right decision as I am a bit of an early bird when it comes to school and like to get in hours before school starts to make sure everything is ready, which would have been impossible if I had a long commute.

I gained so much confidence from being on placement and I now feel ready for my own class and start to implement what I have learnt whilst I’ve been here. I’ve also learnt to trust myself and deliver what I believe and know is right for the children.

Without a doubt, you learn the most when you are on placement. Although you learn strategies and gather ideas in the seminars, I found it really made sense when I put it into action.

Doing a placement really sets you up and allows you to experience all sorts of situations, good and bad. If you ensure to observe other teachers as much as you can, it’s basically a huge opportunity to recycle their ideas. Most importantly, it builds confidence and develops relationships for real thing.

My advice to other students would be to go for it and do a placement! It’s the best opportunity to try everything you can so you are best prepared when a job comes along.

Graduation is coming up and I’m looking forward to starting my new job at Skinners Kent Primary School. I’m preparing for my new job by collecting resources and looking on Pinterest for ideas to help me set up my own classroom and outdoor area. I’m going to be the Reception teacher and as it is a new school I am really excited to get started.

I’ll definitely miss uni, the interesting seminars and lecturers providing us with ideas, but I am really excited to get stuck in to my new job once I finish!”

Ed Bending • 19 May 2015

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