Student News and Events

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How the Student Support Fund can help you

If you’re worried about your finances, speak to a Student Advisor and find out if you’re eligible to apply for the Student Support fund. It’s a non-repayable grant awarded to undergraduate and postgraduate students who need extra financial support with living costs or are experiencing unexpected financial hardship. Applications are submitted to a panel that assesses them based on your individual needs and financial circumstances over the whole year. You’ll need to provide evidence with your application in the form of bank statements from the last three months and a letter written by you explaining why you need the money. For more information about the fund and how you can apply, click here. Mikaela graduated in July 2014 after studying English and Education at the Hastings campus. She didn’t realise that the fund was available to her until she was in her final year, which is why it’s important to keep an eye on your emails from the university that contain information about things like the fund. kaylaMikaela says that the money made a huge difference to her student life. “Throughout uni, I didn’t qualify for any of the grants or bursaries that some of my friends got so I worked part time. I started to struggle when I was in my final year after I had to cut my part time working hours down to accommodate the work that I had to do on my dissertation and placements. The application was a lot easier than I expected, all I had to do was get my bank to send me paper statements and write a letter explaining why I needed help. Lorraine, the SSGT at the Hastings campus, helped me with my letter and checked it before it was sent off so I knew that what I had written was OK. When I got an email saying that my application had been successful, I was so happy. I felt relieved, a weight was lifted and I could get on with my work without worrying about money. I really don’t know how I would have got through the rest of the year without it and would say to people who are struggling that there is help for you, don’t be afraid to ask.”

Ed Bending • 27 January 2015

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