Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Get your greens the easy way

Trying to be healthy this year? It can be difficult to firstly, resist junk food and secondly, afford fresh fruit and veg.

The University of Brighton Food Co-Op is a student-run organisation based at the uni that brings fresh, local food not only to students but also uni staff and the public by connecting with local growers.

Jack helps to run the co-op and is in his final year studying Geography. BRJAN1

He says it’s easy to join and a great thing to do if you want to eat better.

“To sign up to our food-co-op, all you need to do is go to your nearest SU reception and become a food co-op member. It costs £3 for an academic year, which not only enables you to order veg boxes, but it means you get discounted whole food items (rice, grains, etc) sold on the stall too.

Veg boxes are £4 and you get a random selection of tasty, seasonal veg, so it’s like a lucky dip!

We are always looking for volunteers. We ask that members volunteer at least once a semester to help set up, run or pack the stall up. 

Keep your eyes peeled for our Food Co-op Week, which will run from 9 to 13 February. We’d love to get more people involved in the food co-op and have an evening night out to get to know everyone better during the week too.”

At the moment, the co-op runs at the following campuses:

  • Foodcoop1Grand Parade – in the Sallis Benney foyer space – date and time TBC
  • Falmer – Thursdays from 1-2pm in the Westlain House ground floor cafe
  • Moulsecoomb – ground floor of the Cockcroft building day of the week TBC for 2014-15 academic year.

Find out more about the food co-op here and find them on Facebook here.

Ed Bending • 25 January 2015

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