Imani Qamar working in studio

Interior Architecture student Imani is designer for Channel 4’s Museum of Us

Imani Qamar from BA Interior Architecture has hit the big time as one of the design team in a new prime time Channel 4 programme “The Museum of Us’ that starts Monday 17th October.

The programme presented by Sir Tony Robinson is part detective story, part design challenge.  Each week local people from a single street are challenged to investigate and curate a pop up museum showing the history of their ‘ordinary’ residential road.

The Museum of Us brings communities together to celebrate their stories in new and immersive ways, bringing history right to their doorsteps with the help of a team of a historian, a designer and a curator. Imani of course is the fantastic designer helping with ideas and finding creative solutions to put on an exhibition – all within one week!

It was an absolute joy to be part of the Museum of Us team. I got to put some of the skills I’d been honing on my degree course to work, adapting to environment and narrative as we designed and built each pop up against the clock. It was great fun!

Imani Qamar

Piece by piece the team and the local residents uncover the story of their street, beginning with their own personal connections, then gathering evidence that tells the story of their street through time and learn how it fits into Britain’s national history.