
Dr Scott-Smith will be retiring on March 2nd, however the simulation hub will continue with quarterly meetings with our colleagues at BSUHT.

He was responsible for writing the original proposal for the PG Certificate in clinical simulation at BSMS, subsequently accepted by HE(KSS). The simulation hub started with interested parties involved in delivering SBME in local trust hospitals, and alongside this the PGCert grew in popularity.
SBME is now a significant facet of undergraduate teaching courses and the team has been augmented with clinical skills and simulation facilitators at BSMS (jo and Heidi).

Simulation Meeting with BSUHT

11th December, 2019
Meeting of BSMS team with BSUHT at the Royal Alexander Children’s Hospital chaired by Dr Cassie Lawn
Present. Dr Cassie Lawn, Dr W Scott-Smith, Alex Saunders, David Halliwell, Dr Nick Tovell, Jo Emery, Heidi Caisley,
Apologies: Jo Lawrence

Course development

Alongside the recomissioning of the Sussex Simulation Hub we are pleased to announce that it is our intention to develop our successful  PG Cert into an option to study for a PG Diploma in Simulation, and also a full Masters degree. We are hoping that the validation process will be ready for the beginning of the 2020-21 academic year assuming all goes well.

In conjunction with our colleagues at the local trust (BSUHT) we will be developing a new module covering “in-situ” simulation in the acute trust settings. This reflects current trends in developing and implementing the in-situ method to explore new ways of working using a simulation-based approach.


Feedback MDM 148 Principles and Practice

from November 2017:

“Overall this module was absolutely amazing. The teaching was outstanding, the format very well thought through and I feel like I have learned at great deal. And for the first time I am sad that this is Friday and the module is over”.

Dr Thomas Kurka

Academic F2 BSUH

(with permission)


Principals & Practice Module November 2017

There was an excellent response/engagement to the modular materials and sessions from the cohort in November 17.

One student remarked that this ‘had been the best module he had attended out of the six modules that he had studied upon’ (praise indeed!).

The full evaluations will be available early in 2018

Merry Xmas to all who attended the course.


New faculty appointment-Dave Halliwell

Hi all

My name is Dave Halliwell and I have taken on supporting the Simulation Programme here at BSMS – and will be sharing thought / ideas and knowledge about clinical simulation and its wider educational ethos. I am working with a great team – led by Dr Wesley Scott–Smith.

I have an unusual background and interest in Simulation and the wider concept of Reality.

I am a great fan of the concept of #FOAMed – Free Online access to Medical Education – and would strongly recommend the concept of joining the #FOAMed community via Twitter. The aim of #Foam is to share ideas, knowledge, resources – and as we have seen via the use of Twitter that we can access many of the thought leaders directly. I never really understood Twitter prior to my involvement with the community, but it’s actually a great way to keep up to date.

–          A review of  the FOAMed concept  –

Some key international names – on Twitter to get you started… Please try and follow these few people – look at who they talk to –  and maybe follow them.

John Gatward – @jgatward

Chris Nickson – @precordialthump

Victoria Brazil – @SocraticEM

Jesse Spurr – @inject_orange

Debra Nestel – @DebraNestel

One of my favourite podcast sites and websites with links to global  thought leaders is the Simulation Podcast  –

As a final thought for this first introductory email – the hyperlink below is an example of the quality of debate you can enjoy in the FOAMed world – this podcast shows just much scrutiny the simulation community puts itself through.

The question being discussed – is there any difference between students who replace 10% of their clinical practice time in simulation with those who spend 50% of their time engaged in clinical sim?

Please take 20 minutes to listen to the Podcast and the subsequent discourse…

Victoria Brazil –

I will start to regularly share some of the ideas and resources we have available to us from the simulation community

PG Certificate-applications 2017-18

Would all applicants use the following link on the BSMS website to apply for a place on the PG Cert in Simulation:

Modular dates:

MDM148 Nov 27th to Dec 1st 2017

MDM149 January 15/16/17th and April 10th, 2018.

MDM 28 please contact Zoe Gallagher for these dates (

NB. please note that all modules are oversubscribed at present with a short waiting list.
