Quality Ward Round Programme
How can you make your round most effective for the patient?PG Cert in Simulation
Delivered at Masters Level, this PG Cert is suitable for those regularly involved in simulation based education in the workplace.No featured image set for this post.
Dr Scott-Smith will be retiring on March 2nd, however the simulation hub will continue with quarterly meetings with our colleagues at BSUHT. He was...No featured image set for this post.
BSUHT Joint Simulation meeting
The next meeting of the joint simulation hub will be on February 27th at 12.00hrs on the Brighton University Falmer campus (room TBA). WesleyNo featured image set for this post.
Simulation Meeting with BSUHT
11th December, 2019 Meeting of BSMS team with BSUHT at the Royal Alexander Children’s Hospital chaired by Dr Cassie Lawn Present. Dr Cassie Lawn,...No featured image set for this post.
MDM 149 Feedback & Debriefing module 2020
MDM149 commences next week (January 27th,28th, 29th) in house. A further date on April 1st involves presentations and discussion of the portfolio of teaching....No featured image set for this post.
MDM148 Timing for 2020-21
Following student feedback from the current cohort it has been suggested that better alignment with clinical practice posts could be achieved by moving the...Course development
Alongside the recomissioning of the Sussex Simulation Hub we are pleased to announce that it is our intention to develop our successful PG Cert...No featured image set for this post.
Funding from Health Education England 2018
We are pleased to announce that HEE have decided to continue the financial support for two teaching fellows in the postgraduate simulation team, and are...No featured image set for this post.
Feedback MDM 148 Principles and Practice
from November 2017: “Overall this module was absolutely amazing. The teaching was outstanding, the format very well thought through and I feel like I...No featured image set for this post.
Principals & Practice Module November 2017
There was an excellent response/engagement to the modular materials and sessions from the cohort in November 17. One student remarked that this ‘had been the...No featured image set for this post.