Where have I been?
I would say that my journey started at secondary school, this is where I achieved my GCSE’s in Graphics, IT and Computing. After that I went to a college in Eastbourne where I studied BTEC Level 3 and Level 3 Extended Engineering diplomas for 2 years. After college I was encouraged to go to university and I started on the Aeronautical Engineering course for a year.
Where am I now?
After my first year at university I was given the opportunity to change courses to Design Engineering and I have just started this course. I currently have a voluntary job with a charity company called Martlets. My role involves lifting and shifting sofa’s, beds and furniture, as well as helping and serving customers. The kind of person I think I am is: Kind, Helpful, Hard working, a calm personality, I like to go at my own pace. Things I like are: Golf, Gaming and Relaxing. I try to play golf as much as I can; its relaxing, enjoyable and Its my way of exercising. I play a wide range of games, from FPS to strategy to story based games. I find gaming a great source of amusement. There’s not really anything that I dislike however I do find that I get annoyed with myself for when things don’t go to plan.
Where do I want to get to?
I’m still unsure where I want to be in the future but I believe that the design engineering course is currently the right path to go down. I seem to like the idea of having the freedom to create and design things that I want rather than being told what to make and create. As I said in the previous section I get annoyed when things don’t go to plan, my goal is to turn these problems into minor challenges. I think that this will make me a better person.
How will I get there?
I think that to achieve my goal I need to produce ways of reducing potential problems, for example; creating pros and cons checklists, planning, researching and talking about these challenges with other peers. These examples alongside other ways of reducing these problems will hopefully enable me to be a better person as well as allowing me to complete tasks and get work done quicker and more efficiently. To achieve my goals I will need feedback, both positive and negative, help and advise from others such as family, friends and co-workers. I would get help from the teachers and staff at the university. Having access to materials, research facilities and work areas will allow for a better development.
How will I know if I’ve arrived?
I believe that I would have achieved my goal when I react to problems in a new way, I would worry less and not get so worked up over the small issues, which would help me complete work quicker and allow me to be a mentally healthier person. Good feedback and a good end result to my work will indicate if I’ve achieved my goals.