This page shows the agenda’s and action’s which were create before and during meetings which I participated in. Other people within these meetings were fellow students and teachers. The agenda’s are a list of different topics and issues which needed discussing and throughout the meeting I would be given advice and feedback on the various topics and issues. The actions were the tasks to be completed by the time the next meeting come around. This was used to produce small, weekly goals that help me progress throughout the year.
This was very useful, it allowed me to plan better on a weekly basis for my Gantt chart and calendar. I was also able to see what needed more time and what needed revisiting.
It also allowed me to receive feedback and gain ideas when discussing any issues, topics and next steps.
Agenda 29/11/2021
- Present motion analysis using Blender
- Discuss Tracker and comparison of analysis tools
- Discuss tools for statistical analysis to compare within and between subjects:
- Quality tools/Six Sigma Tools: e.g. SPC (like in ME544)
- Students T-tests (see ME544: week 1: Lab 1 results: “3. Statistical analysis to compare UTS and elongation for two batches of 5 samples MDF (tested fast vs slow)”… Also see ANOVA (for multiple comparisons))
- Discuss progress against plan – update needed?
Actions 29/11/2021
- Play with Tracker and compare with Blender. Make a table to compare both
- Improve Poster: add labelled graphs from labs
- Update Blog
- Check in with plan and update it
Agenda 6/12/2021
- Present motion analysis using Tracker and comparison table between blender and tracker
- Discuss Improvements that could be made and the next steps to take for the project
- Show torsion testing poster improvements
- Discuss Semi Structured Interview – what questions should be asked?
- Present and discuss website/blog
Actions 6/12/2021
- Update map and plan and blog
- Comparison between Blender and Tracker – Quantify
- Tracker
- Video Quality
- Repeatability – collect different data from the same video
- Produce a graph with the data collected – confidence interval
- Build upon Semi Structured Interview
- Edit Torsion testing poster
Agenda 13/12/2021
- Present Tracker Repeatability Analysis
- Discuss Confidence Interval, Standard Deviation and Confidence Level (%)
- Discuss what is shown on the graph
- Present Poster and discuss further Improvements which need to be made.
- Discuss Presentation – Should there be a script? Presented on PowerPoint?
- Discuss current state of website
Actions 13/12/2021
- Edit Gantt chart
- Be more specific, add October – planning, researching and learning agreement
- Update mapping, plan and blog
- Mapping – link deliverables to learning outcomes
- website/blog – change progression page
- Update repeatability tracking excel spreadsheet
- Average and standard deviation commands for more accurate data
- label graph, reduce the lines on graph – perhaps split the tracking
- Improve poster
- add sample image, reword and keep concise, use formulas and check the scale of measuring
Agenda 10/01/2022
- Discuss Presentations – dates, what projects to present, etc…
- Present and Discuss Posters – Charpy Impact Test poster and Torsion Testing Poster
- Discuss making of leaflet – size, necessary information, images, graphs and formulas
- Present comparison between videos – show results and discuss where to go next with the project.
- Skill Learning – Technical Drawing and discuss other activities that could be done
Actions 10/01/2022
- Update and Edit Posters
- Show Technical Competence and Define the Audience
- Use CS Edupack, Statistical Process Control
- Add value to graphs – Youngs modulus, yield, UTS = max command in excel
- Add aims for the posters
- Start to produce a leaflet
- ME413 – how the module leads on to ME544
- Short summary of tasks: Torsion Testing, Charpy Impact Testing
- Subject guide – formulas
- Make the leaflet complimentary to the posters
- Add aims for the leaflet
- Build upon the comparison between videos
- Normalise the positions of each set of data, perhaps have the lowest point be equal to (0,0)
- Add sample size column
- Average data after normalising the positions
- Skill learning – technical drawing
- Produce the same drawings on Solidworks
Agenda 8/02/2022
- Scott
- Present and discuss technical report on golf project
- Show website and discuss potential improvements
- Skill learning – Solidworks + CSWA
- Student Central – no access to module documents for XE521 or ME558. And session not showing for group work.
Agenda 7/03/2022
- Present User Requirements and discuss how to improve them
- Present new Gantt Chart for DE50X and plan
- Show Golf Swing Driver Analysis
- Discuss Technical Report
Action 7/03/2022
- Discuss with group and work for a good group dynamic (get to know your group more, team bonding)
- meet with team today at 4pm and prepose ice breaker
Agenda 14/03/2022
- Present Huskylens, discuss next task – what sort of activity should be completed to lead up to the end goal
- Present Golf Driver Analysis
- Discuss the XE521 and XE500 module (if there are any concerns)
Actions 14/03/2022
- Define and describe solution to golf project (show as poster/concept/wizard of oz)
- Huskylens – bring to next meeting, have a look at the data that can be recorded, imported, and exported.
Agenda 22/03/2022
- Present Website
- Talk about combining Huskylens with Micro-bit
- Show PDF on object tracking and obtaining coordinates
- IO Extender for Micro-bit V2.0
- The current breaker doesn’t have the correct pins (are there alternatives or do I need that specific component)
- Show Technical Report and discuss potential improvements
Actions 22/03/2022
- Attempt to get Huskey lens screen to work and function
- Improve and update website to be more compact and precise.
- Update website, mapping, Gantt chart and others
Agenda 29/03/2022
- Show Huskylens Coordinate Data exported and used to produce a graph
- Explain how the graph was inverted and eventually changed to replicate what the graph should look like
- Present attempt at the Wizard of Oz activity
- Present Golf Swing Analysis webpage:
- Show technical report improvement (addition of repeatability study)
- Show looped video of graphs
- Make progress on wizard of oz – no paragraphs, do a voice over (keep brief and understandable), show the setup of the system/device
- Huskylens
- Work on microbit code to produce a working system
- Look into quantifying detection
- Try to find a way of presenting a graph on the Huskylens screen (if not you may need another screen for the device)
Agenda 05/04/2022
- Talk about progress on Wizard of Oz video
- Present Wind Tunnel Write-up on website
- Ask about ATE school office email (picking modules for next year)
- Masters year for course
Actions 05/04/2022
- Continue with Wizard of Oz, produce a voice over – be specific and keep concise
- Produce graphs for wind tunnel write up – Reynolds number and CFD
- Produce some concepts for golf project
Agenda 03/05/2022
- Present Voice Over of Wizard of Oz
- Discuss Image Video Voice Over
- Present Circuit Diagram
- Present Golf Concepts
- Discuss References