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#jiscel10 – Have a Go- Cloudworks Virtual Fieldtrip- Countdown 6 days

November 10, 2010 by Robin Englebright   

Cloudworks by Grainne Connole
Listen on Posterous

I first came across Cloudworks at the JISC CETIS conference in 2008. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with it, and struggled to engage. I guess I’d probably have described it as a education centric version of NING.
I caught up with Gráinne Conole
and Rebecca Galley at a recent JISC Curriculum design event and they explained very succinctly what Cloudworks is. I recorded this as a brief soundbite, complete with Gilly Salmon chortling in the background.

To summarize Cloudworks is a social networking site designed for sharing, finding and discussing learning and teaching ideas and experiences.
Cloudworks has been developed in the belief that one of the key challenges in encouraging more innovative learning design is getting teachers to share designs and ideas. Cloudworks aims to support participatory practices (peer critiquing, sharing, user-generated content, aggregation and personalisation) within an educational context, and promote reflective professional practice and development.

In the Have a Go area there will be a virtual field trip which will look at the key concepts of the site, emerging patterns of use and suggest strategies for finding your way around.

The Conference runs from the 23rd – 26th November 2010, and the pre-conference activity and reading week opens on 16th November 2010 and offers a chance to become familiar with the conference environment and try out innovative JISC projects in the ‘have-a-go’ area. 
See you there!

Book online – early registration advisable for full participation in the pre-conference week 
Delegate fee:£50

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