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#jiscel10 – Have a Go- learning design – Countdown 5 days

November 11, 2010 by Robin Englebright   

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“This video presentation showcases the work in progress on the Learning Design Support Environment, LDSE ( This is a design tool to support teachers in the learning design process, including: visualising, planning, resourcing, adopting, adapting, reusing, and modelling pedagogy. Theoretical underpinnings of this multifaceted support model are derived from the Conversational Framework (Laurillard, 2002).”

Building the learning design support environment.
When I read the abstract for this Have a Go area exhibit I must have had mucky glasses as instead of “derived from the Conversational Framework (Laurillard, 2002).”

I read:

“derived from the Controversial Framework  Frank(Laurillard, 2002).”

Such are the minor failings of age.

As excited as I was to read the Controversial Framework that  “Frank” had put together, I was just as intrigued by the prospect of another useful tool.
The LDSE tool is still being developed, but I was distracted by the pedagogic planner tool, which provides a range of learning templates into which concepts can be dropped, giving a really quick way of generating a learning and teaching session.
When I test content creation tools and lesson planning apps I use a standard lesson I used to teach to Agricultural engineers which introduces Logic gates. The process of using the tool was swift and simple, and I’m quite intrigued at the prospect of the Full LDSE tool.

Copies of the LDSE software will be made available for those participants who wish to try it out for themselves (following the example in the screen cast video).

The Pedagogic planner is the subject of another Have a Go area exhibit titled “Can teaching Practice be reused across subject and Institutional boundaries? Yes it can!”

The Conference runs from the 23rd – 26th November 2010, and the pre-conference activity and reading week opens on 16th November 2010 and offers a chance to become familiar with the conference environment and try out innovative JISC projects in the ‘have-a-go’ area. 
See you there!

Book online – early registration advisable for full participation in the pre-conference week 
Delegate fee:£50


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