Prompted by Steve Boneham’s very fine blog post, I thought I should really “eat my own dogfood”, and get on with posting information about the SWaNI programme as a whole.
SWaNI LTIG? Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland, Further Education Learning and Teaching Innovation Grants is an offshoot of the wider JISC LTIG programme. A total of £500,000 (up to £50k per project) was available for one year projects dealing with any aspect of e-Learning.
From 32 initial submissions, 14 were invited to prepare a full bid, 11 of these submitted proposals and 7 projects have been approved for funding.
The projects are just getting started, but as soon as there’s stuff to post I’ll add it to the blog.,-5.139095&spn=4.370054,4.370658&output=embed
View SWaNI LTIG Projects in a larger map
Name of Lead Institution |
Name of Project |
Description |
Reid Kerr College |
xGames |
The project aims to create a range of templates and evidence how collaborative games can improve attainment levels of vocational learners by increasing their level of collaboration and engagement when they are undertaking theory based elements of their courses. |
Coleg Sir Gâr |
SWANI (Smart Work-based learning Administration through Networked Information) |
The SWANI Project aims to transform the work-based learning management processes at Coleg Sir Gâr from the current paper-based system to an online networked system, provide a sharable EA model, and from this build an robust evidence base to promote the acceptance of electronic signatures to the Wales Assembly Government and Estyn. |
Coleg Gwent |
MOtIvATE: MObile messagIng And communiTy Education |
The Community Education GCSE provision in the Greater Gwent area suffers from retention issues with learners, although those who complete the course are successful. The project proposes to investigate the use of mobile messaging to enhance learner support and teaching & learning strategies in this area, as well as identifying and overcoming possible barriers in using this technology in Community Education Settings. |
Coleg Llandrillo Cymru |
Using peer eGuides to promote digital literacy (PEDL) |
The project aims to promote digital literacy amongst students within the FE sector (including students studying HE in FE), through the use of peer eGuides. Implemented through training/support of students to become eGuides and by providing support to tutors and students on digital literacy issues. |
Pembrokeshire College |
Without a Paddle |
The project aims to test the transferability of the Minimally invasive education environment trialled by Sugata Mitra in India, to other contexts. The project will use mobile devices to investigate how extant apps, designed for a multitude of purposes can be repurposed to support different learning outcomes. The project will present a configuration of apps to learners via a smart phone with a little or no explanatory context and hopes to stimulate the learner to develop initiative, problem solving and research skills. |
Jewel & Esk College (JEC) |
Synchronous Web Enabled Employee Training (SWEET) |
The SWEET project will investigate the impact of providing employers and employees access to online training and qualifications through OSS video conferencing solution, BigBlueButton, for synchronous learning. This will allow traditionally low-skilled and low-qualified employees to engage in a classroom experience, without leaving the workplace, thus reducing barriers to participation. |
North West Regional College |
Try before you apply |
Try Before You Apply is a project that will investigate the benefits of developing an online, pre-entry course test-drive area to give prospective College students a flavour of the courses they are considering applying for. The theory is that by immersion in College life, on a prospective course, learners will be better able to make an informed choice, improving course selection decisions, and increasing retention. |
1. Full details of the projects will be posted on the JISC site: