guy bourdin exhibition

I found the work of Guy Bourdin very inspiring as it portrayed his vast array of styles and techniques used. He manages to show off the Fashion garments in such a luxurious way yet still creating very artistic and abstract shots. His use of colour is of particular interest to me as it is so vibrant and eye catching. They had displayed a large amount of his work which had written alterations over it, which i found extremely interesting as you could see his thought processes clearly and how no one produces something perfect straight away.



Reflective Post 17.10.14

This week we visited the Brighton and Hove Museum, and focused on the renegade fashion area. I found it really interesting looking into the different cult styles which Brighton is known for, such as hippie, punk, goth, vintage and skater. The subcultures are something i am interested in looking at in more detail through my sketchbook work. I was particularly interested in the ‘skinhead’ outfit, as it is such an iconic look and wanted to find out more about what influenced their style. I chose to do quite a detailed and intricate sketch of the outfit so that i really focused on all the important details.


I also worked on illustrator looking at different techniques which i can use to create really appealing images. I am really enjoying learning these techniques and i feel illustration may be something i want to look at in more depth later on in the year. Personally i do feel that my time could have been used more effectively this week as i didn’t get as much done as i would’ve liked. However i plan on making an in depth schedule for the next week, so that i really push myself and hopefully get back on target with my workload. I have also decided to try and a blog post at least every other day, to force myself to get things done and feel i have something to display from it.