Coding Workshop


Html: Content

CSS: How it looks

<body> starts here

</body> ends here

<head> part you don’t see

<body> visible on screen

<heading 1> you only have one on your page

<heading 2> you can have as many as you want of these

  • the bigger the number the smaller the size

<p></p> means paragraph

<p>Lorem ipsum si doller aller</p>

<p>Lorem <a>ipsum si</a> doller aller</p>

<p>Lorem <a href=“>ipsum si</a> doller aller</p>

-Always use a dash or underscore when saving a html page

  • Use text edit to unformat text

File- New- CSS

h1 {font-family: Impact……;color: #0246f6;}  – how to change colour and font

-always use american spelling of colour (color)

close css file

Got to Css designer on right hand side

Add source and browse to find Css file

With changing a link- there are three states: link, hover and visited

a:link {color: coral;}

a:visited {color: deep pink;}

a:hover {text-decoration: none; }

-the above change the colour of the link when it is in the different sates

<div><div/> means it creates an invisible box to change a chunk of content

#abox {background-colour: blanched almond; width: 300px; padding: 20px; margin40px; }

Width= size across page

Padding= inside box

Margin= outside the box

#abox h2 {………}  makes everything that is within the box and heading 2 a certain colour and size etc