The proposal: social media- Periscope

I wanted to use a new social media app which was up and coming and had a buzz around it to collaborate with the brand and also as a way of getting the public to share imagery from the event. I decided upon the company ‘Periscope’, which is a livestreaming video forum which allows anyone to watch instant filming of locations and events  and allows users to ask questions. I feel this will work well with the young target market as it is current and will most definitely become a new craze.

social media

I have created examples of how the app will be used to share events and publicise Jil Sander. During the main catwalk event the live streaming from Jil Sander co-ordinators will be shown on large screens around the world to create a buzz and interest over the brand as seen in the image below.


the proposal: the event staging

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Within the staging of the event there will be a repetition of the idea of encasing decayed wood as seen in the invite. To do so, the seating will be made of perspex boxes which contain large logs of decaying wood. The stage will have the new Jil Sander logo on and will use interactive lighting, so that when a model walks on a specific colour it will light up.

The proposal: the event inspiration

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The overall event will have a sense of mixing the old deteriorated with new innovations. The location will be that of a slight derelict style, with artwork from the ceiling to create a collapsed roof effect. The modern style will be seen through the layout of the staging and interactive floor lighting on the stage. There will finally be projections on decaying items such as flowers which are projected onto the bodies of the models every so often.

The proposal: Final film clip

This is my final film clip which will be shown on their website and on social media. It also will be shown at the event and throughout their shops. I am really pleased with how this has turned out, however if I had the resources to create a slightly longer film clip instead of a gif I feel this could have worked better. I decided to put the Jil Sander lettering into the centre of the eyes, so that the branding wasn’t too overpowering. However it doesn’t go unnoticed  as the eyes are something which everyone is drawn to.




Film clip stages:Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 21.50.18

the proposal: film clip inspiration

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For the film clip I want to create a piece which shows the stages of cracking and decay around the eyes. To do so I could try using the clay mask again and put it around the eyes and photograph this at several stages. Or I could layer imagery of cracks over the top of a stationary image to add cracking over the top. To relate this to the Debuscherre film for Dazed I want to alternate the images of the cracking eyes with that of decaying flowers. I will do this as quick flashes so that the imagery gives a suggestion of  the muscle underneath the decaying skin.