April 21

The Warehouse

It reappears frequently
I stood on the ledge of the multi-storey carpark
And read the poster on the warehouse opposite
Monday morning 5:19

I knew the song
But I can’t hear it now

I dream of the warehouse often
It’s normally full of trees

I want to live in a converted warehouse
It reminds me of visiting the other Nina

In Manor House
I was so happy there
For that afternoon
I thought that life should feel like this forever

A vanity case
Leather with a pin-up girl printed on top

I met Cherry there too
I gave her a box of chocolates
With a bracelet in the bottom
She did my make-up

What a day
What a day

The factory workers across the road
Watched us in the yard
They whistled
We had an urban picnic

I am weary of the warehouse

April 20


You can’t have your cake and keep it
But you can fall into a cesspool and come out clean
Similar to a bull stuck in a gate
But not quite

I miss you
I miss the way you never leave the tip empty-handed
Like the saying goes

You spoke about your grief
I knew it was there but we never spoke about it before
I get tired, sometimes, of explaining
That I can tell you are low even though you don’t say it out loud

Sometimes there is no getting over it
I know this, and people tell you I know this
But you never see that I know this

Like that night I witnessed a fight
The street filled with noise and anger
But my description was not sufficient
And you walked around the houses to find out what happened

There always seems to be a gap
I try to fill
And you always empty

April 19


Bloody ‘ell
Could you choose a more complex
Difficult design


How is this even possible?
I don’t know

Joking aside
Kill me now… OK

Little bit of exaggeration on my part


Questions. I have so many.

Really. Are you serious?


Try as I might. I cannot.
Understand this format.
Very funny.
Wait… Goodbye
Xxx Xxx Xxx
You suck

April 18

Jelly legs

A gentle stroll
Ends in you
Laid out of the grass
Next to a grave

You recall the night
Describing the evening to friends
As your legs gave way
We laugh

Except you are old
And ill
The wine and lager damage you
Alone in a crematorium

Half a century ago
The story would be different
The laugh would be genuine
Not laced with fear

It’s weird how age
Changes the viewpoint
Independence and freedom become loneliness
Foolishness becomes danger

Grass stains were a sign of a fun night
Now they remind me to leave my number with a neighbour

April 17

The Translator

Competent, hmmm I am not sure of the vowel here
Better say something else
I don’t want to blow my own trumpet but
I feel I can identify and emphasise
With those that share similar life experiences

My understanding is
I believe my strength

I don’t know how to describe my life philosophy
I want people to feel good and empowered

Ha. I’m a good communicator
Except for my hestitation
I know how to prepare my speech

What is the word?

A time that comes to mind is
My research poster from three years ago

That’s it. I modify my vocabulary for the appropriate situation
I think it is important to talk in plain English
Because academic language can isolate folk
