May 3


The EdublogsClub prompt this week is getting creative. I’ve just returned from an emotional week with family and I’m due to write a huge blog post but I just don’t have the words right now.

I’m planning to start experimenting with fabric collages. I’ve been researching them and I’m amazed by the work contemporary embroiderers have done, and are still doing. A fabric book will be my next project!

I had some small canvases around so I thought I’d make something for this blog.

April 25

Community 21

I’m ashamed to admit I’m phoning in this week’s EdublogsClub prompt. It’s all about project based learning. I’m not confident I understand it without examples, and the few sites I’ve found with more information haven’t helped me clear up how this type of learning is structured (like, who chooses the tools?). But maybe the structure is negotiable and I just need to try it to figure it out.

I blog about Minecraft sometimes, but I thought I’d post a video this time. This is from a Community 21 project.

April 18


The EdublogsClub post today is to tell a story. A couple of weeks ago I touched on my love of Red Riding Hood when I wrote about the Path. I was hoping I’d have a chance to share my favourite version of the story…

A Grandmother’s Tale read by Jarboe.


I love the washwomen helping out at the end. I think we are used to a hero saving the day, so it’s nice to see collective action instead.

April 12

The End

The EdublogsClub prompt this week is assessment. I was watching Train to Busan last night. It was a brilliant movie and I felt close to tears at some points. One scene stood out to me, it was when a rough-looking man who was mumbling hid in a bathroom stall and Yon-suk was asking the train guard to investigate. The train guard opened the door and tried to talk to the man. Yon-suk and a child named Soo-an witnessed the interaction; Yon-suk then turned to Soo-an and this exchange took place (approximate translation):

Yon-suk If you don’t study hard, you’ll end up like him.
Soo-an My mom said that anyone who says that is a bad person.
Yon-suk I guess your mother didn’t study hard.

These attitudes are so prevalent that I’ve given up arguing with them. Because you always get a comeback like the above. I didn’t do well in assessments at school, that’s true. Then three years ago when I started getting merits and distinctions on my access course. Even then I had no reason to be happy about my grades because I knew people would criticise my choice in a soft subject or argue that access courses are easier than A-levels (or something like that).

So I have accepted that if I want my knowledge or skills to be verified I need to do assessments. And that’s just the way it is.

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April 7


The EdublogsClub prompt this week is giveaway. I’ve been thinking about it for a few days but I can’t really think of what I have to offer (other than this existential crisis joke). It might be a while until I feel creative again. So I may come back at some point and embed a zine/collage here.

I was sorting through my desk earlier and I found a USB stick with one of my favourite Tale of Tales games on. The demo of this game is free so I thought I’d write a bit about why I love it (which is difficult to do without mentioning any spoilers). And I’ll link to the demo in case you are curious.

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