April 26


I handed in my notice
And now I can’t focus

I handed in my notice
And I’m fantasising about houses

I handed in my notice
And I’m thinking about colleges

I handed in my notice
And I celebrated with pizza

I handed in my notice
And I am having a haircut

I handed in my notice
And I emptied out my desk

I handed in my notice
And I texted my sister

I handed in my notice
And I bought my nephew a toy train carriage

I handed in my notice
And I took a day in lieu

I handed in my notice
And I wrote a poem

I handed in my notice
And I organised a meeting with future colleagues

I handed in my notice
And I was interviewed for a website about work experience

I handed in my notice
And I was published for the first time in ten weeks

I handed in my notice
And I was sent free lingerie

I handed in my notice
And I deactivated my social media accounts

I handed in my notice
And I was told my latest work of art would not be used in an exhibition

I handed in my notice
And I was given an Easter Egg

I handed in my notice
And I slept well


Posted April 26, 2019 by N¡na in category Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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