My penultimate month
In university
And I’ve finally found the courage to face you
We met last year
I had been avoiding you for some time
Refusing to work with you
Asking colleagues to deal with you
Over time we were introduced
I was in awe of your capacity
But always at fault
Months later people were asking me about you
Making requests I did not want to complete
I didn’t know how to begin
The stress pulsed at my temples
I resented you
But I knew that it was not me that broke you
It was the person before me
And the person before them
Who brought you in with no knowledge
Of how you work
I had to sit down and tear you apart
I saw how you were put together
But more than that
I saw the gaps in you that nobody noticed
And felt anger that you were corrupted
Deep down, there was no order or reason
To how they treated you
I hope I can fix you before I leave