April 17

The Translator

Competent, hmmm I am not sure of the vowel here
Better say something else
I don’t want to blow my own trumpet but
I feel I can identify and emphasise
With those that share similar life experiences

My understanding is
I believe my strength

I don’t know how to describe my life philosophy
I want people to feel good and empowered

Ha. I’m a good communicator
Except for my hestitation
I know how to prepare my speech

What is the word?

A time that comes to mind is
My research poster from three years ago

That’s it. I modify my vocabulary for the appropriate situation
I think it is important to talk in plain English
Because academic language can isolate folk



Posted April 17, 2019 by N¡na in category Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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