June 6

Grandmother’s House

A couple of months ago I posted about the Path and I mentioned the aesthetics of the grandmother’s house. At the time, I didn’t use too many visuals because my aim was to write about my favourite elements and let my readers decide if they want to investigate further.

However, as this week’s EdublogsClub prompt is about using videos I thought I could use a video playlist to illustrate the previous EdublogsClub post and how I think videos can be used to reference previous learning.

Also, sometimes videos can explain what my vocabulary cannot. My interpretation of the grandmother’s house can be very different from yours. But I think the style, and the atmosphere, is not something I could necessarily describe without images.

Posted June 6, 2017 by N¡na in category EduBlogsClub

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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