Long weekend
Some positive things, and some reflections, and some acceptances.
I decided to not start my counselling course this term. I really want to do it, but I am struggling to get through the work day without too much discomfort so I don’t want to make my day any longer.
As I went into St Peter’s House Library, one of the resource assistants noticed the book I got out and we started chatting. It turns out she did the counselling course I am not starting today.
A couple of jobs have come up which I think I stand a good chance of getting. I know I’ve been saying that for half a year now and have had no luck, but I’m more hopeful than I’ve been for a month. I feel like I’m getting out of a low point I’ve been in for a few weeks now.
I’m going away for a long weekend to see family. It will be a lot of travelling and a lot of talking… I like to be alone and quiet so it’s going to be stressful. But cream teas will help ease the pain (the mental pain, not the physical pain – in fact, they will probably make it worse).
I’m really proud of the work I’ve done on the Summer Employment blog. And my colleague has told me that some of the Careers team like it too. I feel really happy about that. Sometimes I feel that staff in low paid jobs are often assumed to not have much talent outside their role – I don’t think this is ignorance or prejudice, I just think it’s a side effect of people becoming defined by the work they do. It’s great that people are giving me work that allows me to use other skills.
Someone in Scotland claimed my Minty shower gel. I know it’s probably because they were browsing the items in the national category but I’m going to pretend my readership has expanded and pat myself on the back about that.
The Brighton Students’ Union Awards ceremony is happening next month and I’m really excited that two people I have nominated have been shortlisted. I nominated Claire Kidd for her work with the Global Opportunities Scholarship fund and Niczar Amade the BME Student Officer.
I’m getting paid tomorrow so I no longer have to fret about the £8.12 to my name.
I am also very happy that I can get an early upgrade on my mobile phone from tomorrow. I love my Lumia, I really do, but so many apps do not work on it and I want to start experimenting/building those. I think I will wait a few months though and see if the Google Pixel becomes available on a cheap contract (you never know!).
Today was my last day working for Brighton Students’ Union. I felt it was unfair to continue as my other job was frequently clashing with my shifts, and I was in the office so infrequently and during such quiet times I did not think I had an opportunity to have much of an impact. I am sad to go.
A month ago I was looking through our marketing archives and found the Brighton Polytechnic Handbook 1976-77. I find Student Union history really interesting and scanned a page. I’m thinking of starting an online archive. Here’s a page from Brighton Polytechnic Handbook 1976-77:
My nephew is going to be one year old next week.