The Malagiri School

the school

A cheery song!

The Malagiri School teachers are in Covid-19 lockdown far away from the school and missing the children terribly.

This delightful video, filmed earlier this year, shows head teacher Yubraj Rasaili (known as Ub Yub) playing the guitar and the children singing along.

We hope the children will back in the school and singing and learning again with their teachers very soon.

Kerry Burnett • June 1, 2020

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  1. Ali Bishop June 24, 2020 - 9:45 am Reply

    I loved hearing this enthusiastic singing ..such a joy ..they were wonderful

  2. Eve Lumb June 24, 2020 - 1:23 pm Reply

    Lovely to hear the children’s voices and fantastic percussion too! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Maxine Toff November 30, 2020 - 8:33 pm Reply

    What a delight, I love to see these serious young musicians,they are so lovely. Maxine

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