Below are some test shots, after speaking with group members we have decided that it will be best to use a digital camera. This way, we will be able to manipulate the images better, and receive better quality. Some shoots, can be done in both film and digital. Which will allow us to have a range of options. We like the dark backgrounds in the first two images, it does create a youthful tone which we would like to establish with our photography later on.


Editorial Magazine initial brainstorm

Dystopian type of futuristic world

  • base it off of covid and the pandemic
  • how peoples lives have been affected, musicians, students, youth generation
  • could do something on past present and future and how the world is changing
  • possible have the colours change as the time changes
  • start thinking of photography locations and speak to Hannah in regards to styling
  • create a pinterest board so everyone can visually add to it, which then will establish the tone of the magazine and photography
  • have articles regarding peoples everyday life, possibly do some interviews
  • dont be afraid to contact celebrities, most are willing to do interviews