Our Culture Shock Toolkit
Culture shock describes the impact of moving from a familiar culture to one that is unfamiliar.
All sorts of factors contribute to culture shock, such as a change in climate, different food, rules of behaviour that seem strange and hard to understand, and being away from your familiar support network. Studying in another country can be a stressful experience; even if it is something you have planned and prepared for!
Our culture shock toolkit is an interactive resource which can help you prepare for adjusting to life in the UK and to anticipate some of the differences you might encounter in the UK.
You can self-enrol on the module in My Studies by searching the course catalogue (see our video guide), or just email us at internationaladvice@brighton.ac.uk with ‘Culture Shock Toolkit’ in the subject line and we will enrol you ourselves.
Read about culture shock on the UKCISA website.