An innovation into sustainable fashion and community appeal

Upcircle – Competitor Analysis

I did some further research into more potential competitors/to see whether our idea was being used somewhere else and I found an app called Upcircle.

Upcircle is a platform founded in Singapore. It plays with similar ideas as food waste apps like ‘Too Good To Go’ and looks to minimise waste through up cycling and recycling materials. I downloaded the app Upcircle to see research deeper into what their premise was. Primarily based in Asia the app looks to create a community through which people can either ask for or supply materials such as glass, plastic, fabric and even wood. Creating a community through recycling household waste that would otherwise end up in landfill is at the forefront of their mission as a brand. The App is very easy to use and to navigate are has clear sections and categories for each type of material.

This idea is similar to ours in a way, but isn’t exclusively for remade clothes. The app itself was easy to navigate and was clearly separated into various categories – the ‘products’ range from household items like file organisers to glass bottles. You also have the opportunity to share your own materials to give away and converse with people on the app, again bringing in the element of community.


Fig.1 Homepage on Upcircle App

Fig. 2 Listing on Upcircle App


I also had a look on Instagram for their profile just to see how they utilise social media. I thought that it was interesting as they use instagram more for community led posts and information. I think that possibly we could do the same thing with Ecosew and utilise social media in this way too – to broaden our reach to the younger generations when it comes to education but also to build a community through our content.



Fig 3. Upcircle Instagram Homepage.

Fig 4. Upcircle Instagram Feed

Amy Saville • March 1, 2023

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