An innovation into sustainable fashion and community appeal

WGSN Future Consumer Analysis

As we want (with Ecosew) the ideas of education, upcycling and reselling to be encapsulated within our values and ethos as a brand, I thought that it was valuable to look at the potential type of future consumer. I took to WGSN to read up on what to expect:

For the last few years knowledge has led consumer behaviour We are moving into an era where creativity is at the forefront of the consumers mind. Demand for more sustainable, up cycled fashion is on the rise. This fits nicely with our ethos as a company and how we could definitely appeal to a consumer today, and in the future.

Functionality seems to be at the forefront of what consumers are looking for, so I think we should definitely keep with our ideas of utilitarian style clothing that can adapt and change.

Not only does Ecosew lends itself to this, but also I think we could find a way to build even more of a sense of community and collective sustainable efforts through incentivising our target market to make sustainable choices. Again, this will probably be linked with the education side of the company (through workshops) or some kind of point system/‘currency’ for trading in old clothes for new Ecosew pieces for example.

I think our idea blends these key factors together to be as sustainable as possible from as many perspectives as we can. These point will be valuable to consider as our idea starts to come together.

Amy Saville • March 2, 2023

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