Label, is Beyond Retro’s own brand where they reconstruct vintage clothing. For this feature I have used a male model to add some diversity to the magazine. I have experimented with the proportion of the body parts and labels against each other and in different layouts within the spread.


I also experimented with taking Polaroid photographs for this feature, as it is a technique which I had not yet tried in this project.

To reflect on the concept of ‘redesigning’ clothes, I have also experimented with sewing around my photographs, to give a hand made touch.


Final Pages:

I have decided to have a block background to this spread, as despite the recycled paper being relevant to the sustainable aspect of the feature and magazine, a colour such as this green is vibrant and fresh.



Own photographs of customers in vintage stores in Brighton. Taken on 11/03/19.

Vintage Feature Layout Experiments:


I am definitely going to use the photographs where the model is wearing the orange coat, and the one where the model is wearing the patterned floral skirt, as they are both strong  raw street photographs. However I feel page two, with the cardboard frames can be developed further.

In reflection, I have decided to carry out a shoot for this feature and focus on male vintage fashion, which also lacks throughout the magazine.

I have chosen to create a trio of small thumbnails from this shoot, while considering the colour palette of each spread. I have also decided to use a photograph of a run down street as I don’t want to overwhelm the spread with another photo where models are the subject. I believe this gives the spread balance.


For the sustainable styling feature, I have designed the layout in reflection of Madi’s style, to which she describes to be monotone and gothic.
Layout experimentations:

Final feature layout:

To illustrate her three top tips I have used these finger illustrations. The torn paper which the text is layered on top of adds to the scrapbook aesthetic and gives the page balance.


In reflection, this feature does not flow with the rest of the magazine. Therefore I have decided to use a blue block colour as the background of the fourth page. The scissor outline reflects the context in the text when Madi speaks of cutting your old clothes so that they become a new garment. Although this new design has less elements to it, I feel it is more effective.