This week I have experimented with collage, focusing on flat clothing and proportions. I have been inspired by series of photographs ‘7 days of garbage’ by Greg Segal and Steve Madden commercials in the 1990’s. I plan to develop this by taking my own photographs of my clothing and model in different emotive positions, to which I will be able to continue collaging with. I hope to use these collages within my magazine in a feature creating awareness about clothing consumption and landfill.




These are a selection of the photographs from my capsule wardrobe shoot.
Styled and photographed by myself and with professional makeup artist Betsy Wells Deamer.

I plan to present these images in my magazine in grid format, inspired by page from Vogue 100 of David Bailey photography of models Jean Shrimpton and Grace Coddington.



Trend forecasts on WGSN prove that there is a current trend for a staple wardrobe – clothes that can be consumed slower due to their ‘back to basic’ approach.

This inspired me to create a capsule wardrobe feature to my magazine. I sourced five items of clothing to be used during the shoot, which create five different outfits. All items are low cost and from high street brands, (Weekday, ASOS own, Monki, Dr Marten, H&M Conscious). I selected these specific items as I believe they are suitable to  the target market audience of my magazine and are also all sustainably manufactured, following my eco fashion proposal.






To begin my project, I have researched into artists and collections from galleries which inspire me. My I first analysed the photography of Simryn Gill, who created this series, ‘My Own Private Angkor’ in the National Gallery of Singapore, of an abandoned housing estate in Malaysia. The frames of glass window panes have been stolen – leaving her subject, the sheets, deserted.


National Gallery of Singapore : Mona Hatoumi, ‘Imprentrable’

Made from hanging black finished steel and fishing wire, this installation creates a three dimensional cube. The piece symbolises the trapping structures within society and everyday life. This got me asking myself – does fashion constrict us or does it break barriers?

The Photographer’s Gallery : Arno Schidlowski , ‘Inner Skies’

Schidlowski’s photography uses landscape settings to express mood and emotion. Focusing on nature, his images have pure and romantic connotations. I particularly liked these two photographs as the first encourages reflection and the second has attention to detail in a fully bled subject matter. In my interpretation the use of the colour red is a symbolism of damage/ hurt.



Submission requirements:

  • Exhibited final major project either as a ‘published’ outcome or a recorded outcome.
  • Turnitin submission – 4 double page spreads or 8 of your final images.
  • Documented sketchbooks – digital or analogue.
  • Rationale and all of your research for the above.
  • Completed and up-to-date Blog (online)

An art directed first issue of a magazine. The magazine should contain all the content you would expect in the marketplace that has been determined by your research. Through your target audience research, you should work to create an appropriate multi-platform magazine.