Peru 2013 – Learning Through Adventure

Peru 2013 Learning Through Adventure was a project developed by the University of Brighton Sport and Exercise Science Staff (Leader – Dr Alan Richardson; Assistant Leaders – Dr Mark Hayes, Dr Neil Maxwell, Dr Oli Gibson, Dr Ben Duncan) to promote learning and conduct research in exercise and environmental physiology through field-based work.

Twenty-nine undergraduate students and staff undertook research projects at the Welkin Human Performance Laboratories in Eastbourne before travelling to Cuzco, Peru. In Peru, the students completed 18 days of physiological and perceptual tests to examine acclimatisation and adaptation to altitude. They also worked to renovate Huacarpay Primay School and completed a four day Inca Trail trek to Machu Picchu.

The Cycle Challenge

As part of the Peru 2013 Project, we wanted to carry out some fundraising to bring the team together and support the costs. We arranged to cycle the equivalent distance from Eastbourne to Cuzco, Peru. This equated to 9,945km! We aimed to complete this distance on twelve static bikes, accumulating the distance between the 29 in our group. Each individual cycling for a total of ~12 hours over 3 days. The first two days were completed from 8am to 9pm in the University of Brighton Sports Centre, Eastbourne, with twelve bikes constantly running. The final day was  in the Eastbourne Arndale Centre between 9 and 5.30pm, with five bikes running throughout the day. Over these days we had a stand explaining the project and students running some basic physiological tests for health screening, cognitive function tests and thermal imaging of the cyclists and public if they wanted.

Below are a selection of videos and photos linked to the project, but visit the Peru 2013 – Learning Through Adventure Blog for more details.





Machu Picchu Trek