Environmental Extremes Lab

Safe and effective physical activity in environmental extremes



The Environmental Extremes Lab’s Eastbourne party is over, but the memories will linger on for years to come!

Environmental Extremes Lab 2023 Round-up…We Reached 100 Research Publications!

Another (calendar) year nearly gone and to those who have followed our journey over the years, apologies for the lack of news from the Environmental Extremes Lab. To say it has been an intense, frenetic and at times exasperating year,… Continue Reading →

Environmental Extremes Lab Still Going Strong!

What a year! For obvious reasons linked to COVID, it has been over 8 months since our last Environmental Extremes Lab post of our support to the Dhiman Brothers, but we have still been very active behind the scenes in… Continue Reading →

Para-Monte Ambassador Matt Shore takes on Aconcagua…Again!

nd On just the third day of the new decade, with some of the UK still not recovered from their New Year hangovers, Para-Monte Ambassador and Train Strong personal training founder Matt Shore started his journey to the summit (6962m)… Continue Reading →

Dr Sarah Davey Flies the Flag for Para-Monte in Peru

Altitude Experience, Lessons Learnt and Top Tips During the summer, Dr Sarah Davey, a Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science at Oxford Brookes University in the UK, and a former physiologist for the English Institute of Sport (EIS) and GB… Continue Reading →

MSc Students Join Para-Monte to Take School Kids to Altitude!

50 steps was all it took for school pupils to experience the effects of altitude on their bodies. On the 26th June 2019, I was given the opportunity to help raise awareness about the effects of altitude alongside a wonderful… Continue Reading →

Environmental Extremes Lab represent Para-Monte Altitude Awareness Charity at World Extreme Medicine Conference

On Friday 23 November, Dr Neil Maxwell and Dr Mark Hayes attended the World Extreme Medicine Conference at the Dynamic Earth Convention Centre in Edinburgh on behalf of Para-Monte. The aim was to raise awareness about the work the charity… Continue Reading →

Environmental Extremes Lab Supports 94 Students this Year!

We have been a bit silent on the Environmental Extremes Lab Blog recently. In part, this has allowed us to recharge the batteries after a very busy last academic year. Nevertheless, plenty has been going on over the summer and… Continue Reading →

School Children Learn about Altitude Awareness at Big Bang Fair!

The Environmental Extremes Lab (EEL) and Para-Monte joined forces on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th June at the seventh annual Big Bang Fair South East, held at the South of England Showground. More than 10,000 students between the ages of 9 and… Continue Reading →

New PhD Student – Swimming & Altitude Training

We welcome Ben Scott to our Environmental Extremes Lab, new PhD Physiologist with British Swimming who starts his doctorate, entitled ‘Profiling Elite Swimmers and Responsiveness to Altitude Training’. This is an interesting project with it being funded by British Swimming with… Continue Reading →

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