Using the iPad to record demonstrations

Helen Gibbs tells us how she has used the iPad with the Fuse app to record her technical demonstrations in the Book Arts workshop, and the impact this has had with her students.

The iPad was set up using an iMount and tripod.

Case Study interview with Helen Gibbs.

What have you used the iPad for?

I have been using the iPad in the workshop to record short videos ‘how to’s’ about book binding structures and  using some of the equipment in the workshop. The iPad was mounted on a tripod that could be positioned on a bench or on the floor as required.

Initially I recorded sound with my voice describing what I was doing. I added cations in the editing process. Later I dropped the sound recording and just used the captions because these were clearer. Sound quality was poor and I found I mumbled or missed things out when speaking. As this was a ‘one take’ process it wasn’t possible to edit the voice over afterwards.

Why did you introduce the videos? What were the benefits?

The videos have been published in studentcentral and on a Book Arts blog as part of Brighton’s Edublogs site, which is accessible outside the University. The blog is more flexible than stuentcentral for my needs having a simpler content focus, giving students easy access to the information they need. Students that have graduated have also expressed an interest in the videos to remind them how to make the various structures.

In the workshop, students can use their own devices to view the videos whist they are working. I also bring in my own iPad for them to use. In the long term, I would like an iPad for the workshop that could be wall mounted.

How has your use of videos developed?

My workshop Manager, had the idea of using QR codes attached to some of the equipment that students could use to launch videos on how to use them. This provides students with an instant pathway to a reminder video tutorial.

What was the student response?

Students have responded positively to the video tutorials and I think it has opened up access to this subject to a wider number of them. They can view the videos at home the night before they want to make something in the workshop and students from other areas now have access t knowledge about making books.

What were the benefits for you?

When it is busy in the workshop, the iPad enbables me to be in two places at one time! I also feel it releases me from repeating the same process over and over again to each student. I think this will also create time  and space for me to develop more resources and demonstrations in the workshop.