Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Top marks

Digital technologies used by the School of Education to train teachers have been held up nationally as an example of good practice.

Caroline Lucas MP visits

Caroline Lucas, Green party MP for Brighton Pavilion, visited the University of Brighton’s School of Education to share her recent experiences of producing a Private Members’ Bill which aims to make Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) a statutory requirement in schools.

Two new research seminars announced

The Education Research Centre and School of Education presents two new seminars: What’s wrong with teacher mentoring and coaching? How can we move beyond ‘fixed-ability thinking’ to create learning without limits in schools? All welcome but please register your interest as places are limited. Find out more about Education Research Centre events.

NEW Education Research Seminar

Professor Molly Andrews from the University of East London will be presenting at the Education Research Seminar next month. The seminar takes place on 20 November 2014, from 4.00-5.15pm at the University of Brighton’s Falmer campus and is titled: ‘How can a bird that is born for joy sit in a cage and sing?’ – the Role…

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HEA Symposium

The HEA Symposium took place at this year’s BERA Annual Conference in London at the end of September. Sara Bragg, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Brighton’s Education Research Centre, gave the final presentation of the symposium titled Promoting reflection on the digitalised spaces and cultures of schooling. Find out more about the symposium and see…

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Education Research Seminar

The School of Education is delighted to be welcoming Elaine Wilson from the University of Cambridge at its next Education Research Seminar. The seminar takes place on 30 October 2014, from 4.00-5.30pm at the University of Brighton’s Falmer campus and is titled: How does university-school partnership build social capital in teacher education? Find out more and book your…

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Royal praise for Troops to Teacher student

University of Brighton trainee teacher Andrew Perrin won double gold in the Invictus Games – and the admiration of Prince Harry. Harry, the driving force behind the sporting event for wounded and sick service personnel at the former Olympic Park in London, congratulated and posed with Andrew after he collected his second gold for cycling.

Education Research Seminar

EDUCATION RESEARCH SEMINAR Thursday 16 October 2014 The Education Research Centre and School of Education invite you to attend: What’s wrong with education policy research?  Seven fallacies Stephen Ball Institute of Education

New CPD brochure

The School of Education has produced a new brochure to highlight our continuing professional development programme. Study options include: short courses for teachers and teaching support staff Postgraduate certificates Education MAs Download our CPD brochure

On track for the majority of our trainees to be judged ‘outstanding’ at the point of gaining QTS this year

Raised expectations and the use of  a wide range of intervention strategies have had a very positive impact on trainees’ performance on placement so far this year. Analysis of interim placement grades across our primary and secondary courses suggest that the Partnership is

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