Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Award winning students

A group of School of Education PASS ambassadors, Clare Perkins, Bethanie Lewis and Jemma Hale, studying Primary Education BA(Hons) with QTS have won the ‘Step Up to Leadership’ category in the Student Employee of the Year Awards .


Now even more Service leavers can become teachers

We’re delighted to announce that eligibility for the Troops to Teachers programme has changed offering even more Service leavers the opportunity to train as teachers. Service leavers can now apply to the programme within five years of leaving the Armed Forces – previously applications needed to be made within two years. Find out more about…

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Update on a School for Malagiri following Nepal earthquake

We have now received more information from Nepal. A visitor from Belgium (and friend of our sister organisation, Trinity) was in Nepal at the time of the earthquake and she has visited Malagiri. The school is still intact but, unfortunately, it has sustained extensive damage. There are large cracks in the walls and on the…

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Education seminar series continues…

Two new education seminars announced for April: Reflective Teaching through the Early Years, Schooling, HE and Beyond: a seminar and book launch Can education do without teaching? Reflections on the rediscovery of teaching We hope to see you there!

Senior lecturer wins award

Dr Rachel Marks, senior lecturer in the School of Education, has been awarded the prestigious Janet Duffin Award.

Troops to Teachers programme extended

We’re delighted that Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has today announced that the University of Brighton has been chosen to lead the expansion of the Troops to Teachers programme. Read the full story.


Students visit a School for Malagiri

Four students studying on the Advanced Studies route of the Primary Education BA(Hons) with QTS course at the University of Brighton have been given the opportunity to visit a School for Malagiri.

Moving beyond the fixed-ability thinking

On 8 January 2015 we were delighted to welcome Dame Alison Peacock to the School of Education to speak at our seminar ‘How can we move beyond ‘fixed-ability thinking’ to create learning without limits in schools?’ If you missed the event the presentation slides and a film of the event are now available to view.

Poetry by Heart

School of Education Senior Lecturer Pamela Lewis was delighted to be one of the judges for the Poetry by Heart South-East regional finals which took place at Brighton’s Jubilee Library last week.

Education research seminars for February and March 2015

We’re delighted to announce two new seminars: Inspiring teaching: What can we learn from exemplary practitioners? Professor Pamela Sammons, University of Oxford Monday 23rd February, 2015 Beyond “evaluation”, “impact” studies and “knowledge exchange”? Research with community partners as “middle-work” Professor Pat Thomson, University of Nottingham Monday 2nd March 2015 Events are free and all are…

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