Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Getting started with programming in the primary classroom

Ever since this new subject of computing was announced, teachers from local schools have been asking us to provide CPD to help prepare them for the challenges that the programme of study presents. In June we will be running what we expect to be the first of a number of computing CPD courses for local…

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iCompute 2014

In September, the subject of computing will be introduced as part of the new national curriculum; last month the School of Education brought together eight local teachers and all of our final year undergraduate trainees for the iCompute 2014 event. Teachers gave stimulating presentations on a range of themes relating to computational thinking and digital literacy…

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Troops to Teachers update

The first cohort of the DfE funded ‘Troops to Teachers’ (TtT) programme has been recruited. The trainees began their studies in January and they are all currently placed in school settings across the country. The delivery schools employ the TtT trainee as a non-qualified member of the teaching staff and the university pays a £12,780.80*…

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NQT News

Ongoing contacts with our NQTs and their headteachers show that the vast majority of schools are delighted with the high quality of teachers trained by the partnership.  One such NQT, Elizabeth Owen,  graduated from our Secondary Geography PGCE. Elizabeth recently received two ‘outstanding’ graded lesson observations. The Ofsted inspectors who carried out the observations were keen…

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Into the woods

Final year students from the Primary Education (3-7) and (5-11) BA(Hons) with QTS programme, with a Physical Education specialism,  found themselves using natural materials as part of a forest school day. The students built fires, made pendants, charcoal, yoyos, and other innovative objects at Woods Mill in Sussex. As well as learning how the outdoors can provide a stimulating…

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Supporting our students

PASS PASS stands for ‘peer assisted study sessions’. It is a student-led initiative where issues relating to course material and student life can be discussed in a friendly, informal environment with peers and trained student facilitators. PASS is shown to not only improve your confidence in your studies but research has hown that regular attendees have shown better…

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Another succesful year for Education BA(Hons)

We’re delighted to report on the following: Outstanding results 2013 Education BA(Hons) students graduated with the following: 1st class hons 22% 2:1 44% 2:2: 34%

Students as Researchers Conference

This annual conference unites students from all three years of the Education BA course. It offers a unique opportunity to share and celebrate student-led enquiry and research and provide an occasion to acknowledge the hard work everyone has put into their studies. Students in years one and two of their course will be able to learn from…

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Placement opportunities

The Education BA at the University of Brighton offers diverse placement opportunities in the UK and overseas. In year one you will spend ten days on placement and in year two, eight weeks. Where some of our students have spent their time: Get Involved with the African Street Children Organisation (GI ASCO) GI ASCO is a…

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Virtual classroom software

Blackboard Collaborative is an online platform which helps create virtual classrooms. City College have been using the platform for visiting speakers for their Post Compulsory Education PGCE students. It was recently used by leading teaching methods expert Geoff Petty to input to a year 2 class on their professional project, answer questions and to promote teacher development groups. The image…

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