
Celebrating Black History Month Recommended: Sokari Douglas Camp, Lawson Okeyan and Serge Attukwei Clottey

This month as part of the celebrations for Black History Month Amanda Bright, Head of the School of Art and the Irmi Karl, Head of School of Media are inviting the senior teams to identify a Black, Asian or person of colour creative practitioner, artist, musician, designer, performer, writer, film maker etc who they admire or who has been an inspiration to them in their lives, careers and work to date.

Amanda Bright said “To start the ball rolling I would want to nominate Sokari Douglas Camp for her fantastic figurative steel sculptures and installations that were incredibly influential to me when I was a young professional (yeah – I know… a looong time ago)..

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“I also want to celebrate ceramicist Lawson Okeyan for his magnificent, monumental but breathtakingly delicate, perforated ceramic forms that are on a scale that defies belief and visually are somewhere between paper and coral.”

Lawson-Okeyan    Lawson-Okeyan2

“And lastly Serge Attukwei Clottey – our Honorary Doctor, who is an amazing inspiration – using his art works for communal gain and benefit, drawing attention to issues of power, identitiy and heirarchies and the emergency being caused by plastic waste in West Africa.”

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Cover Image: Serge Attukwei Clottey

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