2021 conference

We had 100 delegates join us on-line for this year’s conference.


Dr Rebecca Twinley Keynote : Twinley with Ivlev and Tickoo UOBDIVOT21

Callum MacKinnon- Social Enterprise and Occupational Therapy bOunceT presentation Diverse Practice Conference

Louise Berger- Occupational Therapists specialising in Sleep OTs in Diverse Settings louise Sleep

Sarah Mead- Resilience session Sarah Mead Professional Resilience 2021

Fran Hamilton – The power of peer support The Power of Peer Support Fran Hamilton

Charlie Danger- Occupational therapy and Assistive Technology Diverse Settings – Assistive Technology Charlie Danger

Deborah Murphy – Occupational Therapy in prisons Diverse settings Deborah Murpy

Deb Bullen and Liz Fletcher- Occupational Therapy and Sport for Confidence Sport for Confidence Liz Fletcher and Deborah Bullen

Musharrat Ahmed-Landeryou- Plenary session, Being a Change Agent  Being a change agent

Esther Dark – poster on her Phd Study on the role of Occupational Therapy with Easting Disorders Esther Poster. new