Meet our startups: Megan Faith Makes

In this spot where we explore some of the businesses we’ve supported, University of Brighton photography graduate, Megan Faith, shares her journey from student to founder of  a knitting and crochet business.   “Originally from Brighton, and having gone to Brighton Steiner School,  I developed a love for all things creative.  At A-level I studied… Continue Reading Meet our startups: Megan Faith Makes

Handy Tips For Your Virtual Interview

In this current time where everyone is relying on Zoom, Google Hangouts or MS Teams to connect, the traditional face to face interview is think of the past. We thought it would be useful to bring some top tips of things to think about when having a virtual interview. In terms of content preparation and a… Continue Reading Handy Tips For Your Virtual Interview

How To Prepare For Virtual Assessment Centres

Even before Covid 19 many companies had started to move their assessment centres (ACs) online.  Due to the current pandemic this trend has accelerated in the past few weeks and may continue for the foreseeable future. Cardiff Metropolitan University Careers Service sent us these great tips on preparing for VACs from EY and a recruitment… Continue Reading How To Prepare For Virtual Assessment Centres

Are you waiting to hear back about your Training Contract and Vacation scheme application? Time to think about the next stage….assessment centres and interviews

Many of you will be waiting for news on the vacation scheme/training contract applications you submitted a couple of weeks ago, so now is a good time to look at the next stage – assessment centre and interview preparation. Law are a great place to find all you need to know about a career… Continue Reading Are you waiting to hear back about your Training Contract and Vacation scheme application? Time to think about the next stage….assessment centres and interviews

NHS Scientist Training Programme for 2020 is now open

Please note that the recruitment and application process for the 2020 NHS STP  is now open and will close on 20 January 2020. There is a lot of very useful information on the National School of Healthcare Science website: If anyone who is thinking of applying needs any help with the application process or… Continue Reading NHS Scientist Training Programme for 2020 is now open

Why not give some thought to your career plans over the break ?

The end of term has arrived and many of you will have plans over the break and also we appreciate there are deadlines looming over the horizon and possibly exams. However there might be a little time between any social events  and all the work to perhaps focus on your thoughts after graduation and we… Continue Reading Why not give some thought to your career plans over the break ?

Getting ready for the interview

In our current blog post series on interviews we have so far focused on interview questions and preparation for these. Now in the final one of the series we are going to look at what  you need to know before you go, what to do when there, what to wear etc. Beforehand… If you are offered… Continue Reading Getting ready for the interview

Dealing with difficult situations and how this can help with interview responses

So far  in the series we have covered some  questions that are commonly covered at interview and here are a sample of those. Why should we hire you? How to answer an interview question about communication How to address more ‘unusual’ interview questions If you go back to the Advice section you will find more… Continue Reading Dealing with difficult situations and how this can help with interview responses

Questions to ask the employer at interview

  So far in the series we have covered the sort of questions you are likely to face in the interview. So testing your skills, knowledge and experience to date in relation to the job being applied for. You are also very likely to be asked why you want to work there.  We have covered these… Continue Reading Questions to ask the employer at interview

Why do you want to work for us?

So far in this short series on answering interview questions we have looked at questions covering why an employer would want to hire you, how to show off your skills and how to answer more unusual questions. All of these are covered in earlier blog posts so go back if you need more details on… Continue Reading Why do you want to work for us?

How to address more ‘unusual’ interview questions

The third in the series of how to address interview questions offers a slight change of tack. The last blog showed how to answer a question on  ‘communication’  using the STAR method. You can use this method to dissect situations that could answer questions on your own skills such as leadership, problem solving, team work etc.… Continue Reading How to address more ‘unusual’ interview questions

How to answer an interview question about communication

  This series on interview questions the aim is not to find  ‘word perfect’ answers but to help you identify scenarios demonstrating where, when and how you used certain skills. You can then talk about these with confidence no matter what the questions are. Number 2  in the series approaching interview questions covers a skill needed in all jobs – communication. Examples  involving good communication… Continue Reading How to answer an interview question about communication

Why should we hire you?

The interview season  is now well and truly upon us and many of you are preparing as we speak. I am going to write a series of blogs over the coming months on  interview questions and how to devise answers to these. It is impossible to plan and prepare for every scenario in an interview. That is good… Continue Reading Why should we hire you?

Preparing for the ‘Unknown’

Preparing for the ‘Unknown’ is probably a paradox. However it is important to consider this when attending any recruitment event such as an interview or assessment centre. Recruiters will ask you to  respond to questions and tasks that you know the answer to and can prepare for ( the Known), but then they will surprise you with questions and… Continue Reading Preparing for the ‘Unknown’

Preparing for the NHS Scientist Training Programme interviews

Applicants for the NHS Scientist Training Programme ( STP) will start hearing the outcome of their applications this week and some will be receiving invitations to interviews. If you have applied and need help with interviews there is some useful information on the NSHCS website that could help with interview preparation: Ben via Compfight  

Employers, Recruiters, Vice-Deputy Managing Graduate HR Coordinators – what *are* they on about?

Having trouble sorting your CTAs from your KPIs? Is a cold-caller asking if you know the difference between a problem-solver and a self-starter? Do job descriptions seem to be written in a language that you have to record and play backwards at half speed before it makes sense? Philosoraptor has had enough of this nonsense… Continue Reading Employers, Recruiters, Vice-Deputy Managing Graduate HR Coordinators – what *are* they on about?

Quick guide to video interviews

Recruiting organisations are increasingly using video interviews recorded remotely, in their selection procedure. For them it makes economic sense not to pay travel  expenses to a high number of candidates, especially at the early stages of the recruitment process. It is also good for candidates as it means they don’t have to head off to various locations whilst trying… Continue Reading Quick guide to video interviews

Promoting your work experience – Organisation

  If you have been following  the blog posts on ‘Promoting your work experience’ and answering the questions posed then you should be building up some really good personal evidence to put on your CV, an application form or in readiness for  answering questions at an interview  or assessment centre. So far we have covered the following skill areas: Communication… Continue Reading Promoting your work experience – Organisation

What are THEY saying about YOU? A round-up of hot topics and gossip from the graduate job market.

Welcome to the first WATSAY (now there’s an uncannily apposite acronym *ahem*) of 2018. For newbies and those not paying attention, this is where we take a look at key issues being discussed by graduate recruiters, professional internet talkers and take an occasional pop at those people who talk about ‘students’ and ‘graduates’ like they’re… Continue Reading What are THEY saying about YOU? A round-up of hot topics and gossip from the graduate job market.

Want to know how to ace Assessment Centres? Then come this way…

Employability Fortnight #FocusOnYourFuture.. is on its way but to get you in the mood we’ve got something to help you feel prepared for the Mock Assessment Centre with FDM Group on Wednesday 14th February. Come along and get involved with our Assessment Centres – Info session Wednesday 7th February 2018 Huxley 406, 1.30-3pm More and… Continue Reading Want to know how to ace Assessment Centres? Then come this way…

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