Paintbrushes covered in paint on a wooden table

Graduating art student? Read on for advice and opportunities

If you’re finishing your art degree this summer and uncertain about the future, remember there’s plenty of support out there from the university and beyond. Consider how you can sustain your university network after your course finishes, for example by embarking on collaborative projects with other graduates to build on your portfolio. Keep in touch… Continue Reading Graduating art student? Read on for advice and opportunities

FREE digital skills course for graduates: worth £2600!

The Digital Accelerator is a free digital skills diploma, worth £2600 delivered by Creative Process, it will equip you with an essential tool kit of digital and creative skills that employers demand. Here’s how you can get access to the digital know-how so highly prized by employers… Continue Reading FREE digital skills course for graduates: worth £2600!

Did you know the Careers Service are always here to support you?

I may have just seen my last student of the academic year before a month off during summer but did you know that the Careers Service are here to support you all year round. We always have staff here throughout summer and term time holidays, apart from over the christmas break. So if you have… Continue Reading Did you know the Careers Service are always here to support you?

Employer’s top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 5

  Thank goodness its Friday you might think. Well save a bit of studious brain power to check out our top tip of the day before you disappear into weekend mode. Today is our final day to learn from employers about what they are looking for in applications and help you get one step closer… Continue Reading Employer’s top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 5

Employer’s top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 4

Happy Thursday! I hope you’ve been finding this weeks blogs of interest. For those of you who haven’t seen what I’ve been doing this week, where have you been? Anyway, to get you up to speed, at this years Careers Fair at the Amex stadium at the beginning of November I spent time talking to… Continue Reading Employer’s top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 4

Employers top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 3

So we are half way through the week with two top tips under our belt. If you didn’t make it to our Careers Fair on 8th November, don’t worry, as Employment Advisor at our Moulsecoomb campus I did some homework for you by chatting to our exhibiting employers and am sharing the top tips I’ve… Continue Reading Employers top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 3

Employers top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 2

Hello, it’s me again with all things applications! If you didn’t make it to our Careers Fair on 8th November, don’t worry, as Employment Advisor at our Moulsecoomb campus I did some homework for you by chatting to our exhibiting employers and am sharing the top tips I’ve gathered from the event this week in… Continue Reading Employers top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 2

Employers top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 1

It is Careers Fair season! Did you get to our Careers Fairs on 8th November? If you did, we hope you got a lot from it and had chance to chat to the employers about what they’re looking for and how you can make your application stand out. As an Employment Adviser, my job is… Continue Reading Employers top tips from the Careers Fair – Part 1

Your Careers Service online – changing up a storm for 17/18

Yes indeedy, it’s taken some doing (and then some more doing) but the new Careers site is out there for your perusal and (hopefully) pleasure. Based on feedback from your good selves we’ve restructured and rearranged to make all the cool stuff available with a swipe and a tap – like this… Deciding what career… Continue Reading Your Careers Service online – changing up a storm for 17/18

Careers Service website has moved house. Check out our flashy new digs…

“walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes…” …okay, maybe that’s a overdoing it a little, but anyone currently clearing out a year or more of junk in preparation for a move will know how much fun that can be. Spare a thought for the poor suffering Careers Service (mostly me *preen preen*) who… Continue Reading Careers Service website has moved house. Check out our flashy new digs…

What are THEY saying about YOU? Hot topics and rank gossip from the graduate labour market.

Welcome to the first of a new series where we take a look at what going down around the global corporate water cooler, or being bashed out on angry borderline sociopaths’ blogs – the few remaining ones who aren’t being lined up for jobs at the White House, that is. Moving on… Graduation selfies: student… Continue Reading What are THEY saying about YOU? Hot topics and rank gossip from the graduate labour market.

Free online courses in CVs , application forms , Interviews and way, way more

By now you’re hopefully feeling chilled out and de-stressed enough to think about what to do the rest of your  vacation or maybe you’re a graduate looking for their next step. Did you know that there are loads of free online courses to help you create the perfect CV? or write the most amazing application… Continue Reading Free online courses in CVs , application forms , Interviews and way, way more

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