Job Searching and Applications: Are you Ready?

We hoped you enjoyed Brighton Works Week.  A week full of events, webinars and Q&As with our specialist careers staff and employers. All sharing advice and ideas of how to be more employable, make great applications and enter the world of work. With my colleague Liz Vassilakes, our events officer we ran a session: Job Searching… Continue Reading Job Searching and Applications: Are you Ready?

Graduation image

How to differentiate between different types of graduate jobs

There is lots of terminology for graduate jobs. How do you work out what is the right path for you? Firstly, it is good to understand the recruitment cycle. This article covers the basics: Although most big players in an industry have deadlines for graduate scheme applications closing by Christmas, there will still be grad schemes… Continue Reading How to differentiate between different types of graduate jobs

Red Riding Hood image

Storytelling Techniques Can Improve Your Applications

“Once upon a time there was a dear little girl…” Do you remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood, even though it might be a very long time you have last heard it? This is because the story creates images in your head which stay with you and is structured in a way that… Continue Reading Storytelling Techniques Can Improve Your Applications

person holding up a sign saying 'looking for a job'

How to approach job hunting – Find the right job for you

When it comes to looking for a job it can quickly become overwhelming or disheartening. Often people start by googling. People end up on Indeed or LinkedIn. This can work for some people but having a logical and specialised approach to job hunting will generally be the most effective way to do things. Get organised… Continue Reading How to approach job hunting – Find the right job for you

Get Yourself a Careers Buddy!

Try something new today: Get yourself a careers buddy! We all know that thinking through options, skills and opportunities can easily feel like a just going round in circles – a lot of thinking but perhaps not much forward movement. That’s why we would like to suggest you reach out to your peers during lockdown… Continue Reading Get Yourself a Careers Buddy!

Careers Fair poster

Preparing for the Virtual Careers Fair

Our Virtual Careers Fair is fast approaching! We hope you have all downloaded the Careers Fair Plus App as you need it to take part. The app lets you browse employers, go to their drop-ins, watch webinars and book one to ones.  Hopefully you are already signing up for the one to one sessions with employers… Continue Reading Preparing for the Virtual Careers Fair

Coca Cola Logo

Advice from Coca-Cola European Partners on job searching during COVID-19

The University of the West of England’s GradLink organisation held an interview with the Bulgarian Talent Acquisition team from Coca-Cola European Partners plc to discuss graduate job recruitment in the ongoing pandemic. They covered a range of areas giving advice to students on how to become the ideal candidate. Networking It isn’t about how many… Continue Reading Advice from Coca-Cola European Partners on job searching during COVID-19

Words Count In Your CV

We generally advise that CVs are no longer than 2 pages, it is important to make every word count. What you say and how you say it is very important. Here are some tips to help: Think about WHO you are approaching with the CV and what is is for? A job, internship, placement, or speculative… Continue Reading Words Count In Your CV


Starting a Business as a Student

The beepurple team recently caught up with Ben Brooks, Anmol Mangat and Ehab Ahmad – the Founders of UniiMarket, which is an exclusive online marketplace hub for students, by students. Here’s what we talked about… What inspired you to turn UniiMarket into reality? After presenting a very rough sketch of the idea to our peers… Continue Reading Starting a Business as a Student

Do You Want To Become a Freelance Language Tutor? Here’s What You Need to Know

Freelance language teaching can be a huge opportunity. You can work on other projects/jobs on the side while not being tied down to a 9-5 type role. Let’s go over 10 action steps you’ll need to take to get yourself started on the road to freelance language teaching. There’s more detail on each of these… Continue Reading Do You Want To Become a Freelance Language Tutor? Here’s What You Need to Know

The Student Remote Worker Survival Checklist  

The Student Remote Worker Survival Checklist   This is a guest blog from Working from home!? That’ll never work for me, how can I concentrate with so many distractions around me? If you feel like this you’re not alone. The past few months have seen a huge shift in the way people are working… Continue Reading The Student Remote Worker Survival Checklist  

Careers and Higher Education Podcasts As Lockdown Eases

In a world where we have spent months unable to connect with people face to face, I have become increasingly interested in connecting to the world via podcasts. I would normally listen to movie podcasts whilst making dinner, but I saw that Labour Market Information (LMI) god Charlie Ball was speaking on a podcast I… Continue Reading Careers and Higher Education Podcasts As Lockdown Eases

Handy Tips For Your Virtual Interview

In this current time where everyone is relying on Zoom, Google Hangouts or MS Teams to connect, the traditional face to face interview is think of the past. We thought it would be useful to bring some top tips of things to think about when having a virtual interview. In terms of content preparation and a… Continue Reading Handy Tips For Your Virtual Interview

Planning Your Future career During Covid-19

How you can still plan for your future career in the Covid-19 crisis “How did you make use of your time during the Corona virus lockdown?”  “What did you learn about yourself from the Corona virus lockdown period?”  If you were told to work from home for a month, how would you approach it?“  “Tell us… Continue Reading Planning Your Future career During Covid-19

What Covid-19 Has Taught Us About Employment Skills

Only a mere few months ago, the world of work looked remarkably different and organisations had priorities completely unlike the ones they have today. In the wake of a crisis however, things can change rapidly, and leaders across industries are finding themselves in need of certain skills to ensure they come out the other side… Continue Reading What Covid-19 Has Taught Us About Employment Skills

How To Prepare For Virtual Assessment Centres

Even before Covid 19 many companies had started to move their assessment centres (ACs) online.  Due to the current pandemic this trend has accelerated in the past few weeks and may continue for the foreseeable future. Cardiff Metropolitan University Careers Service sent us these great tips on preparing for VACs from EY and a recruitment… Continue Reading How To Prepare For Virtual Assessment Centres

Adapting Your Career Plans During COVID-19

Staying positive at present can be a challenge, however as we have said in previous blog posts there are jobs still being advertised so worth exploring these. Think about diversifying into a different career area, at least for a short while. It may not be your ‘ideal dream job’ but any experience will help you… Continue Reading Adapting Your Career Plans During COVID-19

Developing resilience and how it can lead to success

As part of our blog series Brighton Resilience, law alumna Zoe Bowler – trainee at top law firm Charles Russell Speechlys – tells us how she has built resilience and gives her take on what can help us through the current challenges I received poor A-level grades which I was very disappointed with, especially because at… Continue Reading Developing resilience and how it can lead to success

Work from home – Songs that MAXIMISE your productivity

With so many of us currently working from home, employees will likely plug themselves into Spotify playlists to help them get through the working day. But are your current playlists properly helping you work most productively? To find out, the loan firm Transmit Startups recently investigated the power of music and revealed the must-have tunes… Continue Reading Work from home – Songs that MAXIMISE your productivity

Focusing on resilience and how it can help you adapt

As part of our Brighton Resilience blog series, alumna and Brand Identity Manager for BT’s Enterprise Division Tia Schwarz tells us how she is stepping up to home working and thriving in a challenging new environment: Adjusting to working in a way that we’re not used to can be tricky. For me? I’m fortunate enough… Continue Reading Focusing on resilience and how it can help you adapt

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